I'd forgotten how much I hated doing soldering. I spent a whole afternoon last week trying to get one wire to stick to the circuit board and got frustrated in the process. So last weekend, I picked up a ten-pack of micro alligator clips from Radio Shack and simply crimped the wires and clamped them in place.
Now where to attach the buttons. Whilst rummaging around my garage, I came across the metal endcaps that attached to our old closet doors. So I grabbed one and tested it in the holster hole of the cabinet. The hole was just a *tiny* bit too small. Then I grabbed the Dremel tool and started sanding out the hole and made the whole house smell like a lumber yard. Then I drilled three holes in the endcap and attached the buttons in place and clamped the other end of the alligator clips, fed the whole thing through the holster hole and voila!
Now the left button escapes from any game and the two in the center control volume up and down. Now I can disable the special keys on the X-Arcade Solo so I can stop accidentally exiting a game I'm in the middle of.
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