Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 351

 After several months of playing games with the X-Arcade Solo, I realized that the buttons I set up for changing the volume control weren't working too well and I was accidentally hitting the escape button too many times.

So I found several instructables and videos on Youtube for hacking (modifying) a regular keyboard to make a custom button set. I went to Radio Shack and purchased a bag of 4 momentary pushbuttons and spent this afternoon disassembling and tracing the button lines to the control board. I had to take it slow as the tightness of the lines make it difficult to follow. I'm pretty sure I traced them correctly.

Now I have to get some wire, solder them to the control board and solder the other ends to the buttons. If the test works, then I'll attach them to a board and attach the board to the left hand hole on the cabinet. Then I can pretty that up, disable the custom buttons on the joystick and everything should be good.

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